![]() |
7. The Predi.ction-<Yriterion of Conformation and its Short oomings.-W e are now in a position to analyze a second conception of confirmation which is reflected in many methodological dis cussions and which can claim a great deal of plausibility. Its basic idea is very simple: General hypotheses in science as well as in everyday usage are intended to enable us to anticipate future events ; hence, it seems reasonable to count any prediction which is borne out ,by subsequent observation as confirming evidence for the hypothesis on which it is based, and any predic tion that fails as disconfirming evidence. To illustrate : Let H1 be the hypothesis that all metals, when heated, expand; symbolically: ' (x) ((Metal (x) . Heated (x)) :::, Exp(x)) '. If we are given an observation report to the effect that a certain object a is a metal and is heated, then by means of H1 we can derive the prediction that a expands. Suppose that this is borne out by observation and described in an additional observation statement. We sb.oulq. then have -the total observation report. {Metal(a), Heated(a), Exp.(a)}.1 This report would be qualified as con firming evidence for H1 because its last sentence hears out what could be predicted, or derived, from the first two by means of
Hi; more explicitly: because the last sentence can be derived from the first two in conjunction with Hi.-Now let H2 be the hypothesis that all swans are white ; symbolically : ' (x) (Swan
- :, White(x)) '; and consider the observation report {Swan(a),
,_, White(a)}. This report would constitute disconfirming evi dence for H 2 because the second of its sentences contradicts (and thus fails to bear out) the prediction 'White(a)' which can be deduced from the first sentence in conjunction with H2 ; or, symmetrically, because the first sentence contradicts the conse quence ',_, Swan(a)' which can be derived from the second in conjunction with H2• Obviously, either of these formulations implies that H2 is incompatible with the given observation report.
These illustrations suggest the following general definition of confirmation as successful prediction :
Prediction-criterion of Confirmation : Let H be a hypothesis, B
an observation report, i.e. a class of observation sentences. Then
- Bis said to confirm H if B can be divided into two mutually exclusive subclasses Bi and B2 such that B2 is not empty, and every sentence of B2 can be logically deduced from Bi in conjunction with H, but not from Bi alone.
- Bis said to disconfirm H if H logically contradicts B.i
- Bis said to be neutral with respect to H if it neither con firms nor disconfirms H.2
But while this criterion is quite sound as a statement of suffi cient conditions of confirmation for hypotheses of the type illus trated above, it is considerably too narrow. to serve as a general definition of confirmation. Generally speaking, this criterion would serve its purpose if all scientific hypotheses could be con strued as asserting regular connections of observable features in the subject-matter under investigation ; i.e. if they all were of
the form "Whenever the observable characteristic P is present in an object or a situation, then the observable characteristic Q will also be present." But actually, most scientific hypotheses and laws are not of this simple type; as a rule, they express regular connections of characteristics which are not observable in the sense of direct observability, nor even in a much more liberal sense. Consider, for example, the following hypothesis : "Whenever plane-polarized light of wave length ,\ traverses a layer of quartz of thickness d, then its plane of polarization is
rotated through an angle oc which is proportional to i-"-Let us
assume that the observational vocabulary, by means of which our observation reports have to be formulated, contains exclus ively terms referring to directly observable attributes. Then, since the question of whether a given ray of light is plane polarized and has the wave length,\ cannot be decided by means of direct observation, no observation report of the kind here admitted could include information of this type. This in itself would not be crucial if at least we could assume that the fact that a given ray of light is plane-polarized, etc., could be logically inferred from some possible observation report; for then, from a suitable report of this kind, in conjunction with the given hypothesis, one would be able to predict a rotation of the plane of polarization ; and from this prediction, which itself is not yet expressed in exclusively observational terms, one might expect to derive further predictions in the form of genuine observation sentences. But actually, a hypothesis to the efiect that a given ray of light is plane-polarized has to be considered as .a general hypothesis which entails an unlimited number of observation sentences; thus it cannot be logically inferred from, but at best be confirmed by, a suitable set of observational findings. The logically essential point can best be exhibited by reference to a
. very simple abstract case: Let us assume that Ri and R2 are
two relations of a kind accessible to direct observation, and that the field of scientific investigation contains infinitely many objects. Consider now the hypothesis
(H) (x)((y)Ri(x, y) :, (Ez)R2(x, z)),
i.e. : Whenever an object x stands in R1 to every object y, then it stands in R2 to at least one object z.-This simple hypothesis has the following property: However many observation sen tences may be given, H does not enable us to derive any new observation sentences from them. Indeed-to state the reason in suggestive though not formally rigorous terms-in order to
make a prediction concerning some specific object a, we shoqjd first have to know that a stands m R1 to every object; and this necessary inforw.ation clearly Gannot be contained in any finite
number, however large, of observation sentences, because a finite set of observation sentences can tell us at best for a finite number of object& th11,t a stands in Rt to them. Thus an observa
tion report, which always invQlves only a finite number of ob servation sentences, can never provide a 1,uffi.ciently broad basis for a prediction by means of H.1-Besides, even if we did know
that a stood in Ri to every object, the prediction derivable by
means of H would not be an observation sentence ; it would assert that a stands in R2 to some objeot, without specifying which, and whel'fl to find it. Thus, H would be an empirical hypothesis, containing, besides purely logical terms, only ex pressions belonging to the observational vocabulary, and yet the predictions which it renders possible neither start from nor lead to observation repo,:ts.
It is, therefore, a considerable over-simplification to say t4at scientific hypotheses and theories enable us to derive predictions of future experiences from descriptions of past ones. Unquestion ably, scientific hypotheses do have a predictive function; but t4e way in which they perform this function, the manner ip. which they establish logical connections between observation reports, is logically more complex than a deductive inference. Thus, in the last illustration, the predictive use of H may assume the following form : On the basis of a number of in,diviq.ual tests, which show that a doef! stand in R1 to three objects b, c,
and d, we may accept the hypothesis that a stands in Ri to all
objects; or, in terms of our formal mode of speech: In view 0£ the observation report {Ri(a, b), R1 (a, c), Ri(a,d)}, the hypothesis that (y)Ri_(a, y) is accepted as confirmed by, though-not logically
inferable from, that report.2 This process might be referred to as quasi-induction.3 From the hypothesis thus established we
can then proceed to derive, by means of H, the prediction that a stands in R2 to at least one object. This again, as was pointed out above, is not an observation sentence ; and indeed no ob servation sentence can be derived from it ; but it can, in turn, be confirmed by a suitable observation sentence, such as ' R2(a , b) '.
-In other cases, the prediction of actual observation sentences may be possible ; thus if the given hypothesis asserts that (x)((y)Ri_(x, y) :, (z) R2( x, z)), then after quasi-inductively accept ing, as above, that (y)R1 (a , y), we can derive, by means of the given hypothesis, the sentence that a stands in R2 to every object, and thence, we can deduce special predictions such as 'Ria, b) ', etc., which do have the form of observation. sentences.
Thus, the chain of reasoning which leads from given observa" tional findings to the" prediction" of new ones actually involves, besides deductive inferences, certain quasi-inductive steps each of which consists in the acceptance of an intermediate statement on the basis of confirming, but usually not logically conclusive, evidence. In most scientific predictions, this general pattern occurs in multiple re-iteration; an analysis of the predictive use of the hypothesis mentioned a ove, concerning plane-polarized light, could serve as a:h illustration. In the present context, however, this general account of the structure of scientific pre diction is sufficient : it shows that a general definition of con firmation by reference to successful prediction becomes circular ; indeed, in order to make the original formulation of the predic tion-criterion of confirmation sufficiently comprehensive, we should have to replace the phrase " can be logically deduced " by "can be obtained by a series of steps of deduction and quasi indu:ction " ; and the definition of " quasi-induction " in the above sense presupposes the concept of confirmation.
Let us note, as a by-product of the preceding consideration, the fact that an adequate analysis of scientific prediction (and analogously, of scientific explanation, and of the testing of empirical hypotheses) requires an analysis of the concept of confirmation. The reason for this fact may be restated in general terms as follows: Scientific laws and theories, as a rule, connect terms which lie on the level of abstract theoretical constructs rather than on that of direct observation ; and from observation sentenc,es, no merely deductive logical inference leads
to statements about those theoretical constructs which are the starting point for scientific predictions ; statements about logical constructs, such as " This piece of iron is magnetic " or "Here, a plane-polarized ray of light traverses a quartz crystal" can be confirmed, but not entailed, by observation reports, and thus, even though based on general scientific laws, the "prediction" of new observational findings on the basis of given ones is a process involving confirmation in addition to logical deduction.1
- Conditions of Adequacy for any Definition of Confirmation. The two most customary conceptions of confirmation, which were rendered explicit in Nicod's criterion and in the prediction criterion, have thus been found unsuitable for a general definition of confirmation. Besides this negative result, the preceding analysis has also exhibited certain logical characteristics of scientific prediction, explanation, and testing, and it has led to the establishment of certain standards which an adequate de finition of confirmation has to satisfy. These standards include the equivalence condition and the requirement that the definition of confirmation be applicable to hypotheses of any degree of logical complexity, rather than to the simplest type of universal conditional only. An adequate definition of confirmation, how ever, has to satisfy several further logical requirements, to which
.we now turn.
First of all, it will be agreed that any sentence which is entailed by-i.e. a logical consequence of-a given observation report has to be considered as confirmed by that report : Entailment is a special case of confirmation. Thus, e.g., we want to say that the observation report " a is black " confirms the sentence (hypo thesis) " a is black or grey " ; and-to refer to one of the illustra tions given in the preceding s ction-the observation sentence ' R2(a, b)' should certainly be confirming evidence for the sentence '(Ez)Ria, z) '. We are therefore led to the stipulation that any adequate definition of confirmation must insure the fulfilment of the
(8.1) Entailment condition: Any sentence which is entailed by an observation report is confirmed by it.1
This conditipn is suggested by the preceding consideration, but of· course not proved by it. To make it a standard of adequacy for the definition of confirmation means to lay down the stipulation that a proposed definition of confirmation will be rejected as logically inadequate if it is not constructed in such a way that (8.1) is unconditionally satisfied. An analogous remark applies to the subsequently proposed further standards of adequacy.-
Second, an observation report which confirms certain hypo theses would invariably be qualified as confirming any conse quence of those hypotheses. Indeed : any such consequence is but an assertion of all or part of the combined content of the original hypotheses and has therefore to be regarded as confirmed by any evidence which confirms the original hypotheses. This suggests the following condition of adequacy :
(8.2) Consequence Condition: If an observation report con firms every one of a class K of sentences, then it also confirms any sentence which is a logical consequence of K.
If (8.2) is satisfied, then the same is true of the following two more special conditions : ·
(8.21) Special Consequence Condition: l£ an observation report confirms a hypothesis H, then it also confirms every consequence of H.
(8.22) Equivalence Condition: If an observation report confirms
a hypothesis H, then it also confirms every hypothesis which is logically equivalent with H.
(This follows from (8.21) in view of the fact that equivalent hypotheses are mutual consequences of each other.) Thus, the satisfaction of the consequence condition entails that of our earlier equivalence condition, and the latter loses its status of an independent requirement.
In view of the apparent obviousness of these conditions, it is interesting to note that the definition of confirmation in terms of successful prediction, while satisfying the equivalence condition, would violate the consequence condition. Consider, for example, the formulation of the prediction-criterion given in the earlier
part of the preceding section. Clearly, if the observational findings B2 can be predicted on the basis of the findings B1 by
/means of the hypothesis H, the same prediction is obtainable by means of any equivalent hypothesis, but not generally by means
of a weaker one.
On the other hand, any prediction obtainable by means of H caii obviously also be established by means of any hypothesis which is stronger than H, i.e. which logically entails H. Thus, while the consequence condition stipulates in effect that what ever confirms a given hypothesis also confirms any weaker hypothesis, the relation of confirmation defined in terms of successful prediction would satisfy the condition that whatever confirms· a given hypothesis, also confirms every stronger one.
But is this " converse consequence condition ", as it might be called, not reasonable enough, and should it not even be included among our standards of adequacy for the definition of confirma tion ? The second of these two suggestions can be readily disposed of : The adoption of the new condition, in addition to (8.1) and (8.2), would have the consequence that any observation report B would confirm any hypothesis H whatsoever. Thus, e.g., if Bis the report" a is a raven" and His Hooke's law, then, according to (8.1), B confirms the sentence" a is a raven", hence B would, . according to the converse consequence condition, confirm the stronger sentence "a is a raven, and Hooke's law holds " ; and finally, by virtue of (8.2), B would confirm H, which is a consequence of the last sentence. Obviously, the same type of argument can be applied in all other cases.
But is it not true, after all, that very often observational data which confirm a hypothesis H are considered also as confirming a stronger hypothesis ? Is it not true, for example, that those experimental findings which confirm Galileo's law, or Kepler's laws, are considered also as confirming Newton's law of gravita tion ? 1 This is indeed the case, but this does not justify the acceptance of the converse entailment condition as a general rule of the logic of confirmation ; for in the cases just mentioned, the weaker hypothesis is connected with the stronger one by a logical bond of a particular kind : it is essentially a substitution instance of the stronger one; thus, e.g., while the law of gravita tion refers to the force obtaining between any two bodies, Galileo's law is a specialization referring to the case where one of
the bodies is the earth, the other an object near its surface. In the preceding case, however, where Hooke's law was shown to be confirmed by the observation report that a is a raven, this situation does not prevail; and here, the rule that whatever con
:finns a given hypothesis also confirms any stronger one becomes an entirely absurd principle. Thus, the converse consequence con dition does not provide a sound general condition of ad equacy.1
A third condition remains to be stated: 2
(8.3) Consistency Condition: Every logically consistent observa tion report is logically compatible with the class of all the hypotheses which it confirms.
The two most important implications of this requirement ate the following :
(8.31) Unless an observation report is self-c ontradictory, 3 it does not confirm any hypothesis with which it is not logically compatible.
(8.32) Unless an observation report is self-contradictory, it
does not confirm any hypotheses which contradict each other.
The first of these corollaries will readily be accepted ; the second, however,-and consequently (8.3) itself-will perhaps be
felt to embody a too severe restriction. It might be pointed out, for example, that a finite set of measurements concerning the variation of one physical magnitude, x, with another, y, may conform to, and thus be said to confirm, several different hypo theses as to the particular mathematical function in terms of which the relationship 0£ x and y can be expressed ; but su h hypotheses are incompatible because to at least one value of x, they will assign different values of y.
No doubt it is possible to liberalize the formal standards of
.adequacy in line with these considerations. This would amount to dropping (8.3) and (8.32) and retaining only (8.31). One of the effects of this measure would be that when a logically consistent observation report B confirms each of two hypotheses, it does not necessarily confirm their conjunction ; for the hypotheses might he mutually incompatible, hence their conjunction self-contra dictory; consequently, by (8.31), B could not confirm it.-This
.consequence is intuitively rather awkward, and one might there fore feel inclined to suggest that while (8.3) should be dropped and
{8.31) retained, (8.32) should be replaced by the requirement
{8.33): If an observation sentence confirms each of two hypo theses, then it also confirms their conjunction. But it can readily be shown that by virtue of (8.2) this set of conditions ntails the fulfilment of (8.32). ·
If, therefore, the condition (8.3) appears to be too rigorous, the most obvious alternative would seem to lie in replacing (8.3) and its corollaries by the much weaker condition (8.31) alone; and it is an important problem whether an intuitively adequate defini tion of confirmation can be constructed which satisfies (8.1), (8.2) and (8.31), but not (8.3).-0ne of the great advantages of a definition which satisfies (8.3) is that it sets a limit, so to ijpeak, to the strength of the hypotheses which can be confirmed by given evidence.1
The remainder of the present study, therefore, will be con cerned exclusively with the problem of establishing a definition of confirmation which satisfies the more severe formal conditions represented by (8.1), (8.2), and (8.3) together.
The fulfilment of these requirements, which may be regarded
.as general laws of the logic of confirmation, is of course only a necessary, not a s fficient, condition for the adequacy of any proposed definition of confirmation. Thus, e.g., if "B confirms
H "· were defined as meaning " B logically entails H ", then the above three conditions would clearly be satisfied ; but the definition would not be adequate because confirmation has to be a more comprehensive relation than entailment (the latter might be referred to as the special case of conclusive confirmation). Thus, a definition of confirmation, to be acceptable, also has to be materially adequate: it has to provide a reasonably close ap proximation to that conception of confirmation which is implicit in scientific procedure and methodological discussion. That conception is vague and to some extent quite unclear, as I have tried to show in earlier parts of this paper; therefore, i_t would be too much to expect full agreement as to the material adequacy of a proposed definition of confirmation ; on the other hand, there will be rather general agreement on certain points ; thus, e.g., the identification of confirmation with entailment, or the Nicod criterion of confirmation as analyzed above, or any defini tion of confirmation by reference to a '· sense of evidence ", will probably now be admitted not to be adequate approximations to_ that concept of confirmation which is relevant for the logic of science.
On the other hand, the soundness of the logical analysis (which, in a clear sense, always involves a logical reconstruction) of a theoretical concept cannot be gauged simply by our feelings of satisfaction at a certain proposed analysis ; and if there are, say, two alternative proposals for defining a term on the basis of a logical analysis, and if both appear to come fairly close to the intended meaning, then the choice has to be made largely by reference to such features as the logical properties of the two reconstructions, and the comprehensiveness and simplicity of the theories to which they lead.
- The Satisfaction Criterion of Confirmation.-As has been mentioned before, a precise definition of confirmation requires reference to some definite " language of science ", in which all observation reports and all hypotheses under consideration are assumed to be formulated, and whose logical structure is sup posed to be precisely determined. The more complex this language, and the richer its logical means of expression, the more difficult it will be, as a rule, to establish an adequate definition of confirmation for it. However, the problem has been solved at least for certain cases : With respect to languages of a compara tively simple logical structure, it has been possible to construct an explicit definition of confirmation which satisfies all of the above logical requirements, and which appears to be intuitively rather adequate. An exposition of the technical details of this
definition has been published elsewhere; 1 in the present study, which is concerned with the general logical and methodological aspects of the problem of confirmation rather than with technical details, it will be attempted to characterize the definition of con firmation thus obtained as clearly as possible with a minimum of technicalities.
Consider the simple case of the hypothesis H: '(x)(Raven(x)
:, Black(x)) ', where 'Raven' and 'Black' are supposed to be terms of our observational vocabulary. Let B be an observation report to the effect that Raven(a) . Black(a) . ,...,_, Raven(c) . Black(c). ,...,_, Raven(d). r-;., Black(d). Then B may be said to confirm H in the following sense : There are three objects al together mentioned in B, namely a, c, and d ; and as far as these are concerned, B informs us that all those which ar ravens (i.e. just the object a) are also black.2 In other words, from the information contained in B we can infer that the hypothesis H does hold true within the finite class of those objects which are mentioned in B.
Let us apply the same cbnsideration fo a hypothesis of a logically more complex structure. Let H be the hypothesis " Everybody likes somebody " ; in symbols : ' (x)(Ey)Likes(x, y)',
i.e. for every (person) x, there exists at least one (not necessarily different person) y such that x likes y. (Here again, 'Likes' is aupposed to he a relation-ter which occurs in our observational vocabulary.) Suppose now that we are given an observation
report B in which the names of two persons, say ' e ' and 'f ',
occur. Under what conditions shall we say that B confirms H 1 The previous illustration suggests the answer: If from B we can infer that H is satisfied within the finite class {e, f}; i.e. that within {e, f} everybody likes somebody. This in turn meaw, that e likes e.or f, and f likes e or f. Thus, B would be said to confirm H if B entailed the statement " e likes e or f, and f likes e or f ". This latter statement will be called the development of H for the finite class {e,J}.-
The concept of development of a hypothesis, H,for a finite cl,ass of individuals, C, can be defined in a general fashion ; the de velopment of H for O states what H would assert if there existed exclusively those objects which are elements of 0.-Thus, e.g.,
the development 0£ the hypothesis H1 = '(x)(P(x) v Q(x))'
(i.e. "Every object has the property P or the property Q ") for the class {a, b} is '(P(a) v Q(a)) . (P(b) v Q(b))' (i.e. "a has the property P or the property Q, and b has the property P or the property Q ") ; the development of the existential hypothesis H2 that at least one object has the property P, i.e. '(Ex)P(x) ', for
{a, b} is 'P(a) v P(b)'; the development of a hypothesis which contains no quantifiers, such as H3 : 'P(c) v Q(c) ' is defined as that hypothesis itself, no matter what the reference class of individuals is.
A more detailed formal analysis based on considerations 0£ this type leads to the introduction of a general relation of con firmation in two steps; the first consists in defining a special relation of direct confirmation along the lines just indicated ; the second step then defines the general relation of confirmation by reference to direct confirmation.
Omitting minor details, we may summarize the two definitions as follows:
(9.1 Df.) An observation report B directly confirms a hypo thesis H if B entails the development of H for the class of those objects which are mentioned in B.
(9.2 Df.) An observation report B confirms a hypothesis H if H is entailed by a class of sentences each of which is directly con firmed by B.
The criterion expressed in these definitions might be called the satisfaction criterion of confirmation because its basic idea consists in construing a hypothesis as confirmed by a given
observation report if the hypothesis is satisfied in the finite class of those individuals which are mentioned in the report.-Let us now apply the two definitions to our last examples : The observa tion report B1 : 'P(a) . Q(b)' directly confirms (and tlierefore also confirms) the hypothesis H1, because it entails the develop ment of H1 for the class {a, b}, which was given above.-The hypothesis H3 is not directly confirmed by B, because its develop ment-i.e. H3 itself-obviously is not entailed by B1. However, H3 is entailed by H1, which is directly confirmed by B1 ; hence, by virtue of (9.2), B1 confirms H 3.
Similarly, it can readily be seen that B1 directly confirms H 2•
Finally, to refer to the first illustration given in this section : The observation report 'Raven(a) . Black(a) . ,-.., Raven(c) . ,-.....,
Black(c) . ,..._, Raven(d) . ,..._, Black(d) ' confirms (even directly) the hypothesis' (x)(Raven(x) :) Black(x)) ', for it entails the develop ment of the latter for the class {a, c, d}, which can be written as follows: '(Raven(a) :) Black(a)). (Raven(c) :) Black(c)). (Raven
- :) Black(d)) '.
It is now easy to define disconfirmation and neutrality :
(9.3 Df.) An observation report B disconfirms a hypothesis H if it confirms the denial of H.
(9.4 Df.) An observation report B is neutral with respect to a hypothesis H if B neither confirms nor disconfirms H.
By virtue of the criteria laid down in (9.2), (9.3), (9.4), every consistent observation report, B, divides all possible hypotheses into three mutually exclusive classes : those confirmed by B, those disconfirmed by B, and those with respect to which B is neutral. The definition of confirmation here proposed can be shown to satisfy all the formal conditions of adequacy embodied in (8.1), (8.2), and (8.3) and their consequences; for the condition (8.2) this is easy to see ; for the other conditions the proof is more
Furthermore, the application of the above definition of con firmation is not restricted to hypotheses of universal conditional form (as Nicod's criterion is, for example), nor to universal hypo theses in general ; it applies, in fact, to any hypothesis which can be expressed by means of property and relation terms of the observational vocabulary of the given language, individual names, the customary connective symbols for 'not', 'and', 'or', 'if then ', and any number of universal and existential quantifiers.
Finally, as is suggested by the preceding illustrations as weU as by the general considerations which underlie the establishment of the above definition, it seems that we have obtained a definition
-0f confirmation which also is materially adequate in the sense of being a reasonable approximation to the intended meaning of onfirmation.
A brief discussion of certain special cases of co firmation mig:t,.t
jerve to shed further light on tlµs latter aspect of our analysis.
- The P,el,ative anii the Absolute Concepts of Veriji,cQ,tiori and, Falsification.-If an observation report entails a hypothesis If, then, by virtue of (8.1), it confirms H. This is in good agreeIQ.ent with the customary conception of confirming evidence ; in fact, we have here an extreme case of confirmation, the case where B conclusively confirms H ; this case is realized if, and only if, B entails H. We shall then also say that B verifies H. Thus, verification is a special case of confirmation ; it is a logical relation
between sentences ; more specifically, it is simply the relation of
-entailment with its domain restricted to observation sentences. Analogously, we shall say that B conclusively disconfirms H,
or B fq,lsifies H, if and only if B is incompatible with H ; in this case, B entails the denial of H and therefore, by virtue of (8.1) and (9.3), confirms the denial of H and disconfirms H. Hence, falsifi ation is a special case of disconfirmation ; it is the logical
:relation· of incompatibility between sentences, with its domain
:restricted to observation sentences.
Clearly, the concepts of veriji,cQ,tion and falsification as here defined are relative; a hypothesis can be said to be verified or falsified only with respect to some observation report; and a hypothesis may be verified by one observation report and may not be verified by another. There are, however, hypotheses which cannot be verified and others which cannot be falsified by any observation report. This will be shown presently. We shall say that a given hypothesis is verifiable (falsifiable) if it is possible to construct an observation report which verifies (falsifies) the hypothesis. Whether a hypothesis is verifiable, or falsifiable, in this sense depends exclusively on its logical form. Briefly, the following cases may be distinguished:
- If a hypothesis does not contain the quantifier terms " all " and " some " or their symbolic equivalents, then it is both verifiable and falsifiable. Thus, e.g., the hypothesis "Object a turns blue or green " js entailed and thus verified by the report " Object a turns blue " ; and the same hypothesis is incompatible with, and thus falsified by, the report "Object a turns neither blue nor green ".
- A purely existential hypothesis (i.e. one which can be symbolized by a formula consisting of one or more existential quantifiers followed by a sentential function containing no
quantifiers) is verifiable, but not falsifiable, if-as is usually assumed-the universe of discourse contains an infinite number of objects.-Thus, e.g., the hypothesis "There are blue roses" is verified. by the observation report "Object a is a blue rose", but no finite observation report can ever contradict and thus falsify the hypothesis. _
- Conversely, a purely universal hypothesis (symbolized by a formula consisting of one or more universal quantifiers followed by a sentential function containing no quantifiers) is falsifiable but not verifiable for an infinite universe of discourse. Thus, e.g., the hypothesis " (x)(Swan(x) :> White(x)) " is completely falsified by the observation report {Swan(a), ,..._, White(a)} ; but no finite observation report can entail and thus verify the hypothesis in question.
- Hypotheses which cannot be expressed bysentences of one of the three types mentioned so far, and which in this sense require both lilliversal and existential quantifiers for their formulation, are as a rule neither verifiable nor falsifiable.1 Thus, e.g., the hypothesis " Every substance is soluble in some solvent " - symbolically ' (x)(Ey)Soluble(x, y) '-is neither entailed by, nor incompatible with any observation report, no matter how many cases of solubility or non-solubility of particular substances in particular solvents the report may list. An analogous remark applies to the hypothesis " You can fool some of the people all of the time", whose symbolic formulation '(Ex)(t)Fl(x,t) ' contains one existential and one universal quantifier. But of course, all of the hypotheses belonging to this fourth class are capable of being confirmed or disconfirmed by suitable observation reports; this was illustrated early in section 9 by reference to the hypothesis ' (x)(Ey)Likes(x, y) '.
This rather detailed account of verification and falsification has been presented not only in the hope of further elucidating the meaning of confirmation and disconfirmation as defined above, but also in order to provide a basis for a sharp differentia tion of two meanings of verification (and similarly of falsification) which have not always been clearly separated in recent discussions of the character of empirical knowledge. One of the two meanings of verification which we wish to distinguish here is the relative concept just explained; for greater .clarity we shall sometimes
refer to it as re"lative verification. .The other meaning is what may be called a.hsolute or definitive verification. This latter concept of verification does not belong to formal logic, but rather to prag matics 1 : it refers to the acceptal!,ce of hypotheses by "observers 1' or "scientists", etc., on the basis of relevant evidence. Generally speaking, we may distinguish three phases in the scientific test of a given hypothesis (which do not neces sarily occur in the order in which they are listed here). The first phase consists in the performance of suitable experiments or observations and the ensuing acceptance of observation sen tences,or of observation reports, stating the results obtained ; the next phase consists in confronting the given hypothesis with the accepted observation reports, i.e. in ascemining whether the latter constitute confirming, disconfirming or irrelevant evidence with respect to the hypothesis; the final phase.consists either in accepting or rejecting the hypothesis on the strength of the con firming or- disconfirming evidence constituted by the accepted observation reports, or in suspending judgment, awaiting the establishment of further relevant evidence.
The present study has been concerned almost exclusively with the second phase; as we have seen, this phase is of a purely logical character ; the standards of evaluation here invoked namely the criteria of confirmation, disconfirmation and neu trality-can be completely formulated in terms of concepts belonging to the field of pure logic.
The first phase, on the other hand, is of a pragmatic character ; it involves no logical confrontation of sentences with other sentences. It consists in performing certain experiments or systematic observations and noting the results. The latter are expressed in sentences which have the form of observation reports, and their acceptance by the scientist is connected (by causal, not by logical relations) with experiences occurring in those tests. (Of course, a sentence which has the form of an observation report may in certain cases be accepted not on the basis of direct observation, but because it is confirmed by other observation reports which were previously established; but this process is illustrative of the second phase, which was. discussed before Here we are considering the case where a sentence is accepted directly "on the basis of experiential :findings" rather than because it is supported by previously established statements.)
The third phase, too, can be construed as pragmatic, namely as consisting in a decision on the part of the scientist or a group of
scientists to accept (or reject, or leave in suspense, as the case may be) a given hypothesis after ascertaining what amount of confirming or of disconfirming evidence for the hypothesis is contained 'in the totality of the accepted observation sentences. However, it may well be attempted to give a reconstruction of this phase in purely logical terms. This- would require the establishment of general " rules of acceptance " ; roughly speaking, these rules would state how well a given hypothesis has to be confirmed by the accepted observation reports to be scien tifically acceptable itself ; 1 i.e. the rules would formulate criteria for the acceptance or rejection of a hypothesis by reference to the kind and amount of confirming or disconfirming evidence for it embodied in the totality of accepted observation reports; possibly, these criteria would also refer to such additional factors as the " simplicity " of the hypothesis in question, the manner in which it fits into the system of previously accepted theories, etc. It is at present an open question to what extent a satis factory system of such rules can be formulated in purely logical t erms.2
At any rate, the acceptance of a hypothesis on the basis of a sufficient body of confirming evidence will as a rule be tentative, and will hold only " until further notice ", i.e. with the proviso that if new and unfavourable evidence should turn up (in other words, if new observation reports should be accepted which dis confirm the hypothesis in question) the hypothesis will be aban doned again.
Are there any exceptions to this rule ? Are there any empirical hypotheses which are capable of being established definitively, hypotheses such that we can be sure that once accepted on the basis. of experiential evidence, they will. never have to be re voked ? Hypotheses of this kind will be called absolutely or definitively verifiable ; and the concept of absolute or definitive falsifiability will be construed analogously. .
While the existence of hypotheses which are relatively veri fiable or relatively falsifiable is a simple logical fact, which was illustrated in the beginning of this section, the question of the existence of absolutely verifiable, or absolutely falsifiable, hypo theses is a highly controversial issue which has received a great deal of attention in recent empiricist writings.1 As the problem
is only loosely connected with the subject of this essay, we shall restrict ourselves here to a few general observations. ·
Let it be assumed that the language of science has the general structure characterized and presupposed in the previous discus sions, especially in section 9. Then it is reasonable to expect that only such hypotheses can possibly be absolutely verifiable as are relatively verifiable by suitable observation reports ; hypotheses of universal form, for example, which are not even capable of relative verification, certainly cannot be expected to be absolutely verifiable : In however many instances such a hypothesis may have been borne out by experiential findings, it is always possible that new evidence will be obtained which disconfirms the hypothesis. Let us, therefore, restrict our search for absolutely verifiable hypotheses to the class of those hypo theses which are relatively verifiable.
Suppose now that H is a hypothesis of this latter type, and that it is relatively verified, i.e. logically entailed, by an observa tion report B, and that the latter is accepted in science as an account of the outcome of some experiment or observation. Can we then say that His absolutely confirmed, that it will never be revoked 1 Clearly, that depends on whether the repoi:t B has been accepted irrevocably, or whether it may conceivably suffer the fate of being disavowed later. Thus the question as to the existence of absolutely verifiable hypotheses leads back to the question of whether all, or at least some, observation reports become irrevocable parts of the system of science once they have been accepted in connection with certain observations or experi ments. This question is not simply one of fact ; it cannot adequately be answered by a descriptive account of the research behaviour of scientists. Here, as in all other cases of logical analysis of science, the problem calls £or a "rational reconstruc tion " of scientific procedure,·i.e. for the construction of a con sistent and comprehensive theoretical model of scientific inquiry, which is then to serve as a system of reference, or a standard, in the examination of any particular scientific research. The
construction of the theoretical model has, of course, to be oriented by the characteristics of actual scientific procedure, but it is not determined by the latter in the sense in which a descriptive account of some scientific study would be. Indeed, it is generally agreed that scientists sometimes infringe the standards of sound scientific procedure; besides, for the sake of theoretical compre hensiveness and systematization, the abstract model will have to contain certain idealized elements which cannot possibly be determined in detail by a study of how scientists actually work. This is true especially of observation reports: A study of the way in which laboratory reports, or descriptions of other types of
,observational findings, are formulated in the practice of scientific research is of interest for the choice of assumptions concerning the form and the status of observation sen ences in the model of a "language of science" ; but clearly, such a study cannot completely determine what form observation sentences are to have in the theoretical model, nor whether they are to be con sidered as irrevocable once they are accepted.
Perhaps an analogy may further elucidate this view concerning the character of logical analysis : Suppose that we observe two persons whose language we do not understand playing a game on some· kind of chess board ; and suppose that we want to " reconstruct " the rules of the game. A mere descriptive account of the playing-behaviour of the individuals will not suffice to do this; indeed, we should not even necessarily reject a theoretical reconstruction of the game which did not always characterize (tCcurately the actual moves of the players: we should allow for the possibility of occasional violations of the rules. Our reconstruction would rather be guided by the object ive of obtaining a consistent and comprehensive system of rules which are as simple as possible, and to which the observed playing behaviour conforms at least to a large extent. In terms of the standard thus obtained, we may then describe and critically analyze any concrete performance of the game.
The parallel is obvious; and it appears to be clear, too, that in both cases the decision about various features of the theoretical model will have the character of a convention, which is influenced by considerations of simplicity, consistency, and comprehensive ness, and not only bY, a study of the actual procedure of scientists
.at work.1
This remark applies· in particular to the specific question under consideration, namely whether "there are" in science any irrevocably accepted observation reports (all of whose conse quences would then be absolutely verified empirical hypotheses). The situation becomes clearer when we put the question into this form: Shall we allow, in our rational reconstruction of science, for the possibility that certain observation reports may be accepted as irrevocable, or shall the acceptance of all observation reports be subject to the "' until further notice" clause 1 In comparing the merits of the alternative stipulations, we should have to investigate the extent to which each of them is capable of elucidating the structure of scientific inquiry in terms of a simple, consistent theory. We do not propose to enter into a discussion of this question here except for mentioning that various considerations militate in favour of the convention that no observation report is to be accepted definitively and irrevoc ably.1 If this alternative is chosen, then not even those hypo theses which are entailed by accepted observation reports are absolutely verified, nor are those hypotheses which are found incompatible with accepted observation reports thereby abso lutely falsified: in fact, in this case, no hypothesis whatsoever would be absolutely verifiable or absolutely falsi.fi_able. If, on the other hand, some-or even all-observation sentences are declared irrevocable once they have been accepted, then those hypotheses entailed by or incompatible with irrevocable observa tion sentences will be absolutely verified, or absolutely falsified, respectively.
It should now be clear that the concepts of absolute and of relative verifiability (and falsifiability) are of an entirely different character. Failure to distinguish them has caused considerable misunderstanding in recent discussions on the nature of scientific knowledge. Thus, e.g., K. Popper's proposal to admit as scientific hypotheses exclusively sentences which are (relatively) falsifo1ble by suitable observation reports has been criticized by means of arguments which, in effect, support the claim that scientific hypotheses should not be construed as being absolutely falsifiable-a point that Popper had not denied.-As can be seen from our earlier discussion of relative falsifiability, however, Popper's proposal to limit scientific hypotheses to the form of (relatively) falsifiable sentences involves a very severe restriction
of the possible forms of scientific hypotheses 1 ; in particular, it rules out all purely existential hypotheses as well as most hypo theses whose formulation requires both universal and existential quantification ; and it may be criticized on this account; for in terms of this theoretical reconstruction of science it seems difficult or altogether impossible to give an adequate account of the status and function of the more complex scientific hypotheses and theories.-
With these remarks let us conclude our study of the logic of confirmation. What has been said above about the nature of the logical analysis of science in general, applies to the present analysis of confirmation in particular: It is a specific proposal for a systematic and comprehensive logical reconstruction of a concept which is basic for the methodology of empirical science as well as for the problem area customarily called" epistemology". The need for a theoretical clarification of that concept was evidenced by the fact that no general theoretical account of confirmation has been available so far, and that certain widely accepted conceptions of confirmation involve difficulties so serious that it might be doubted whether a satisfactory theory of the concept is at all attainable.
It was found, however, that the problem can be solved: A general definition of confirmation, couched in purely logical terms, was developed for scientific languages of a specified and relatively simple logical character. The logical model thus obtained appeared to be satisfactory in the sense of the formal and material standards of adequacy that had been set up previously.
I have tried to state the essential features of the proposed analysis and reconstruction of confirmation as explicitly as possible in the hope of stimulating a critical discussion and of facilitating further inquiries into the various issues pertinent to this pr.oblem area. Among the open questions which seem to deserve careful consideration, I should like to mention the ex ploration of concepts of confirmation which fail to satisfy the general consistency condition ; the extension of the definition of confirmation to the case where even observation sentences con-. taining quantifiers are permitted ; and finally the development of
a definition of confirmation for languages of a more complex logical structure than that incorporated in our inodel.1 Languages of this kind would provide a greater variety of means of expression and would thus come closer to the high logical complexity of the language of empirical science.
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