
اینجا هیاهویی به پاست در میان این همه سکوت


اینجا هیاهویی به پاست در میان این همه سکوت

پل تام

چهارشنبه, ۲۲ آذر ۱۳۹۶، ۰۸:۲۹ ب.ظ

Avicenna’s Mereology of the Predicables
Paul Thom
The University of Sydney
The account of genus, species and differentia in Avicenna’ Pointers and Reminders satisfies the core axioms of mereology, but accepts Supplementation for genus and differentia only in a negative sense. Genera of a shared species must be mutually subordinated, and consequently if a species has no constitutive differentia all its parts overlap with its genus. It is not ruled out that a species may have no constitutive differentia. It is not required that the genus be inseparable from the differentia.
There is a different mereology in The Cure, where a broad sense of ‘genus’ is introduced alongside the narrow sense of Pointers. For genera in the broad sense, Supplementation does not hold even in a negative sense: the higher differentia is in some cases a genus to the lower differentia – in which cases the genus and the lower differentia share an intensional part.

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